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THE BATTLE is a magnificent drama that unites theater, virtual reality and a live concert by Den Sorte Skole. With Peter Flyvholm, Morten Brovn, Alexander Mayah Larsen and Kasper Ravnhøj  acting as prince Knud, bishop Svend, prince Valdemar and Ulf the warior. 
Stænderpladsen,  19th-22nd June 2022.

DIRECTOR: Jakob Tekla Jørgensen

PRODUCER: Lana Tankosa Nikolic (Late Love Production, DK)

CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Martina Scarpelli


PARTNERS: Xsens/Movella


​GENRE: Digital theater performance and live concert

LENGHT: 25 min

VR FORMAT: 4 actors in MoCap suits and 5 participants in VR headsets 

COUNTRY: Denmark




Viborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, Den Jyske Kunstfond, Wilhelm Hansens Fond and The Center for Animation, Visualization and Digital Storytelling at The Animation Workshop/VIA University College and The Danish Arts Foundation.


Spring 1150. A civil war has plagued Denmark for almost 20 years. The battle for the Danish throne has wavered back and forth and claimed many victims; cousins ​​and uncles have murdered each other.

Being the country's political and religious center, Viborg has repeatedly been the scene of bloody events. And now another big battle awaits… Will it be the last? Will there finally be peace?


Prince Valdemar has come to Viborg with his army - eager to avenge the murder of his father. The old bishop Svend tries to persuade the young prince to lay down his arms and choose the path of forgiveness, a struggle between the old warrior culture and the newly arrived Christianity.


Meanwhile, Knud 5. approaches the city with his Swedish mercenaries…

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